Pediatric Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapists Inspiring Play

Knowledge Nuggets/Resources

The Afterschool Meltdown: Strategies for Your Preschooler

The Afterschool Meltdown: Strategies for Your Preschooler

Is your little one having some big feelings when they get home from school? After school meltdown is real! Little friends are navigating challenging new activities at school, learning school rules, sharing materials with peers, and experiencing new sights, sounds, and touch all day. When…

The Benefits of Movement | Therapist Recommended “Power” Moves for Preschoolers

The Benefits of Movement | Therapist Recommended “Power” Moves for Preschoolers

Movement is super powerful! It is an inner and innate drive, and a foundational component of how we explore our environment and orient ourselves in space. The benefits of movement are infinite. Movement helps to build postural control and develop body awareness and motor control.…

Let’s Get Tactile! Benefits and Tips for Setting Up a Sensory Bin

Let’s Get Tactile! Benefits and Tips for Setting Up a Sensory Bin

Therapists and teachers love to utilize sensory bins for preschool exploration because there are so many benefits! Young children are naturally in a ‘touch to learn’ phase in which they are learning about their environment, such as cause/effect concepts, through experiences. This article will provide…

Dressing Skills for Preschoolers | Purposeful Play Fun

Dressing Skills for Preschoolers | Purposeful Play Fun

The preschool years are an explosion of new complex tasks built on the combination of foundational skills that kiddos acquire in their infant and toddler years. As your littles develop, they are becoming more and more independent, and a huge area of growth in these…

Pre-Writing Fun with Preschool-Aged Kids

Pre-Writing Fun with Preschool-Aged Kids

Before your child can begin drawing shapes and writing letters, they must develop a good foundation of visual motor and fine motor skills, as well as proximal strength for stable posture. They also need to develop building blocks of pre-writing through lines and strokes. Below…

Pre-Writing Fun with Nature Unit by KidsPlayTricks

Pre-Writing Fun with Nature Unit by KidsPlayTricks

When it comes to teaching pre-writing skills, our biggest tip is to keep it light and fun! This week we had some pre-writing fun with nature, using our preschool curriculum by KidsPlayTricks. The Nature Unit in this preschool curriculum provides the printables you see in…

An Ideal Bedtime Routine for Toddlers and Preschool Aged Kids | Guest Blog from Sleep Consultant Lauren Engler

An Ideal Bedtime Routine for Toddlers and Preschool Aged Kids | Guest Blog from Sleep Consultant Lauren Engler

Think about the last 30 minutes of your evening each night. Is there anything you do every night before bed? Do you drink some tea or take a shower? Maybe you have a skincare routine, and of course brush your teeth! Do you read in…

10 Ways to Encourage Pretend Play

10 Ways to Encourage Pretend Play

What better type of play to celebrate in October than Pretend Play? Pretend play emerges in children typically between 18-24 months and continues to get more elaborate and complex as your child gets older and thinking becomes more abstract. Here are some common ranges for…

Preschool Homeschool Curriculum Ideas| Blog Series: All About Me

Preschool Homeschool Curriculum Ideas| Blog Series: All About Me

To say this has been a challenging year for most parents is quite a laughable understatement! Due to Covid-19, we have spent almost a year making big decisions and judgement calls for ourselves and our family. One very common decision that parents of little ones…