Did you know you can make homemade ice cream with coffee cans!? This is the perfect summer all-star activity because it not only involves developmental skills in all of “Walk, Talk, Play” domains, but you also get yummy, delicious ice cream at the end!

What You Need:
- Two metal coffee cans with lids (we used a 30.5oz one, and a 10oz one)
- Masking Tapes
- 1 cup Whole Milk
- 1 cup Half & Half
- 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
- Ice
- Rock Salt
- Toppings of Choice
- Kids who are ready to roll!

1. Assist your kiddos in pouring the milk, half and half, sugar, and vanilla into the small coffee can.
Insider tip: Draw a recipe card and bigger kids can work on following the instructions.
Talk Tip:
Don’t forget to talk through each step of the process with your kiddo! By doing this, you’ll be exposing them to new vocabulary and practicing skills like following directions, answering questions (e.g., “What’s next?” “Where do we put the milk?” “Why do we put tape on the can?” etc.), and retelling/recalling events (e.g., first we poured the ingredients into the can, then we put tape on the can, etc.).
2. Tape the small coffee can up with masking tape to help prevent leaks.
3. Place small can into large can and layer ice and rock salt into the large can (aim for stacking or layering each into ~1 inch layers until filled to top). Tape shut with masking tape.

4. Find a space where you and your kiddos can sit in a circle and take turns rolling back and forth. This is a great activity for strengthening core and postural muscles.
You’ll get the best results if the can is rolled continuously for 20 minutes!

Kiddos can take turns peeling the tape off, while anxiously awaiting to see what they’ve made!

6. Top with your favorite toppings, and enjoy!

Perform activities recommended by Walk, Talk, Play at your own risk with appropriate adult supervision provided. Walk, Talk, Play is not responsible for any injury caused while performing these play activities.
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