Pediatric Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapists Inspiring Play

Plastic Egg Activities for Preschoolers

Plastic Egg Activities for Preschoolers

April’s All Star toy is plastic eggs! These are a fave for therapists to build purposeful play because there are so many ways to adapt the fun. So don’t pack away the holiday decorations just yet and stay tuned all month for some engaging, easy prep activities!

Sound Discrimination

For this activity, we filled eggs with small items for a shake and guess! Coco’s egg carton held the same items to help her to discern each sound. Coco did a great job of guessing which item was in each egg and even got to taste some snacks along the way! We love this activity to build attention and work on predictive skills. 

Bathtub Scoop & Match

Water play is always a hit! This is a simple set up with floating eggs and silicone cupcake liners (another fav of the WTP crew).  Have your kiddo use a long spoon for a challenge to match the eggs to their corresponding colors while working on graded control, visual discrimination, and labeling. 

Potatohead Egg Hunt

We love any excuse to play with our potato heads!

Coco and her bestie Soy had a great time searching for eggs and working together to make fun creations while working on tons of developmental skills. 

Hiding objects like potato head pieces, toys, or puzzle pieces is a great way to prolong the fun and excitement of an egg hunt! 

Egg & Playdough Structures

Grab some playdough to use for your mortar while you build with eggs. This is a great free play activity, but also a fun opportunity to focus on more complex direction following skills by challenging your kiddo to build a tall tower or a bridge.

Egg Drip Art

Plastic eggs are perfect for art projects! We used paint with a little water mixed in for a drip art project! 

WTP insider tip: giving your kiddo small cups of paint to pour into eggs works on control of the hand and wrist and bimanual coordination

Mini Object Dig and Sort

Plastic eggs ➕ play dough ➕ mini objects = a magical ? combo! 

Coco had a blast digging through dough from to find trinkets (some of our faves are from @dinkydoodads), then sorting them by category. This is a fun way for littles to build their fine motor and language skills. Plus, it’s a perfect independent play setup!

Seed Planting Sensory Bins

With play it’s important to remember that it’s all about the process, not the product!

Coco had a great time with this super simple sensory bin setup with plastic eggs, soil, flower seeds, and water . She practiced scooping, transferring, pinching, stirring, and using her cute water dropper from @learningresources

? We are still on the lookout for sprouts!

Painter’s Tape Color Egg Sort

This egg color sort is a great way to get your kiddo(s) moving at home . 

You can start with 1 color, then add more colors to really challenge those visual motor skills!

Egg Catch and Sort

Here’s a quick and simple game you can do with your little using plastic eggs. 

? Large plastic eggs are great for working on catching skills and ? ? coordination. 

? Standing and squatting on a balance pad or pillow is great for balance and strengthen muscles from the ?? up. 

? Sorting colors gives the activity a goal or purpose which means your little friend will be happy to repeat these movements! 

? If sorting colors is not motivating, your kiddo can stack the eggs, or add extra challenge by drawing numbers or letters on the eggs. 

Speech Sound Matching Game

Use those plastic eggs to playfully practice pre-literacy skills! 

Coco loved finding her fave mini objects from @speechtreeco and matching them with other objects that started with the same speech sound. This is a fun way to build phonological awareness and visual memory!

You can also match with colors (pom poms pictured)
And here we matched related items. (fish, bugs, Dinos, bears)

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Perform activities recommended by Walk, Talk, Play at your own risk with appropriate adult supervision provided. Walk, Talk, Play is not responsible for any injury caused while performing these play activities. 


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