Pediatric Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapists Inspiring Play

Tag: Knowledge Nugget

The Afterschool Meltdown: Strategies for Your Preschooler

The Afterschool Meltdown: Strategies for Your Preschooler

Is your little one having some big feelings when they get home from school? After school meltdown is real! Little friends are navigating challenging new activities at school, learning school rules, sharing materials with peers, and experiencing new sights, sounds, and touch all day. When…

Let’s Get Tactile! Benefits and Tips for Setting Up a Sensory Bin

Let’s Get Tactile! Benefits and Tips for Setting Up a Sensory Bin

Therapists and teachers love to utilize sensory bins for preschool exploration because there are so many benefits! Young children are naturally in a ‘touch to learn’ phase in which they are learning about their environment, such as cause/effect concepts, through experiences. This article will provide…

An Ideal Bedtime Routine for Toddlers and Preschool Aged Kids | Guest Blog from Sleep Consultant Lauren Engler

An Ideal Bedtime Routine for Toddlers and Preschool Aged Kids | Guest Blog from Sleep Consultant Lauren Engler

Think about the last 30 minutes of your evening each night. Is there anything you do every night before bed? Do you drink some tea or take a shower? Maybe you have a skincare routine, and of course brush your teeth! Do you read in…

10 Ways to Encourage Pretend Play

10 Ways to Encourage Pretend Play

What better type of play to celebrate in October than Pretend Play? Pretend play emerges in children typically between 18-24 months and continues to get more elaborate and complex as your child gets older and thinking becomes more abstract. Here are some common ranges for…

Pre-Literacy Skills in Preschool: Where to Start

Pre-Literacy Skills in Preschool: Where to Start

Set your little one up for reading success by building a strong foundation of pre-literacy skills in the preschool years! We all know that children need to know the alphabet and have exposure to letters from a young age, but it’s also SO important for…

Story Time Series: Reading Tips to Promote Language Development

Story Time Series: Reading Tips to Promote Language Development

It’s Part 1 of our September Story Time Series! Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing some tips to promote language development when reading with little ones. Part One: Have a Discussion Part 1 of our series is all about having a discussion while you read,…

Prepare Your Child for Virtual Learning Sessions

Prepare Your Child for Virtual Learning Sessions

Do you have a child (or multiple children) in Preschool or Transitional Kindergarten? This school year poses many challenges for students and parents, and staying interested and engaged in virtual learning will no doubt be one of them. At Walk, Talk, Play, we’ve got your…

What Tina Fey Taught Me About Play…

What Tina Fey Taught Me About Play…

A special post by our amazing OT, Amanda Prine: My favorite thing about play is how it evolves and shifts, grows and expands, right in the moment.  One minute the floor is hot lava and you have to climb cushion to cushion to get across…